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Tue 16 May 202314H00


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18000 €
234 results
Lot 238
Sur un perchoir anciennement laqué blanc. Hauteur : 93 cm, longueur : 90 cm. II/B, Torgos tracheliotus, spécimen antérieur à la réglementation de 1997...
Lot 240
Longueur : 32 cm. Procavia capensis. Spécimen naturalisé dans les années 1960-1970. Enregistré par le Ministère de l'Environnement Danois. Libre de...
Lot 241
Hauteurs : 45 et 47 cm. L'un cerclé de métal chromé avec une assise en bois. I/A, Loxodonta africana. Deux CIC délivrés le 13/10/2020.
Lot 242
Sans doublure. Usures, quelques restaurations et petits trous. Longueur : 3,07 m, écartement des pattes avant : 2,22 m, écartement des pattes arrière...
Lot 244
Belle tête en cape. Longueur des étuis cornés : 65 cm environ. Tragelaphus eurycerus.
Lot 246
Mâle adulte. Présenté sur un socle. Bel état. Hauteur totale : 73 cm, largeur : 54 cm. II/B, Giraffa camelopardalis. Acquis et importé avant la...
Lot 249
Présenté sur une souche. Touraco schalowi (Angola. Congo entre 1957 et 1962). Provenance Collection Yvan Delqué (1928-2021) Le Musée de la Nature -...
Lot 251
Mâle. Hauteur : 1,05 m. II/B, Balearica pavonina. Née, élevée et morte en captivité, baguée. Traçabilité établie.
Lot 252
Belle patine d'ancienneté. I/A, Struthio camelus, CIC délivré le 29/12/2022. Provenance Collection Joseph Védrine (1928-1965) conservée par la famille...
Lot 259
Naturalisé en entier présenté sur un socle naturaliste. Naturalisé par Mr. Barbarin. Tragelaphus scriptus.
Lot 263
Tête en cape pour l'ourebi. Pied de buffle de savane monté en vide-poches. Deux pieds et une queue d’éland de Derby. Une queue de bubale major. L...
Lot 266
Tête en cape présentée sur un piédestal. Très beau. Hauteur totale : 2,31 m, longueur : 1,20 m. Taurotragus derbianus. Cameroun.
Lot 272
Naturalisé en entier. Hauteur : 1,15 m, longueur : 1,20 m. Tragelaphus scriptus sylvaticus. Afrique du Sud.
Lot 274
Naturalisé en entier. Hauteur : 1,30 m, longueur : 1,38 m. Tragelaphus scriptus fasciatus. Afrique du Sud.
Lot 277
Tête en cape. Longueur des étuis cornés : 92 cm environ. Oryx gazella.

Sale information

In ancient Egypt, cats and birds were mummified to accompany the future life of the deceased. In 1702, the Duchess of Richmond had her pet, the parrot she had cherished for 40 years, stuffed. Interest in taxidermy and natural history goes back a long way. Large collections and the first sales began in the 18th century. In 1851, there were 26 taxidermists at the London World's Fair. Two centuries after the Duchess, the famous taxidermist Roland Ward wrote: "The animal can claim more recognition in death than simple burial and subsequent oblivion". Today, naturalization is no longer a threat to wildlife. References to taxidermy and natural history abound in decorating magazines, luxury brands and store windows. Decorators and artists alike exhibit and celebrate natural history specimens, adding a unique touch to interiors and works of art. Maison MILLON organizes taxidermy and natural history auctions three times a year. Birds, large mammals, insects and butterflies from around the world abound. These auctions celebrate the treasures the world has to offer; those that scientists, scholars and collectors have always preserved and studied. To be discovered: an extremely rare collection of 1309 hummingbirds in 36 boxes dating from the end of the 19th century. PICK-UP MESSAGE INFORMATION ON THE STORAGE OF YOUR PURCHASES We would like to inform you that your purchase(s) will be transferred to Drouot's warehousing department, whose schedules and rates depend solely on Hôtel Drouot, and are as follows: Handling charges These correspond to the handling of your purchase(s) to the warehouse and are charged according to the volume of the lot(s): €5 / €10 / €15 / €20 / €25. These charges are capped at €100 (incl. VAT) regardless of the quantity and volume purchased. Storage charges The storage service will be charged from the 3rd working day onwards (excluding the above handling charges) From the 4th day onwards, the daily storage charges per lot are : 1 € / 5 € / 10 € / 15 € / 20 €, depending on lot volume. - A 50% discount on storage fees is granted to foreign customers and art market professionals in the provinces (upon presentation of proof) Before collecting your lots, please make sure you : - You have your paid invoice. - to have made an appointment on - to have the label of your lot. (6 bis, rue Rossini 75009 Paris - France Tel. +33 (0)1 48 00 20 18 Open Monday to Friday from 2 pm to 6 pm Some Saturdays from 8 am to 10 am (Saturdays without appointment, Saturdays open are listed on PAYMENT MESSAGE - By credit card via the following secure link: - Bank transfer to NEUFLIZE OBC - 3, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris IBAN FR76 3078 8009 0002 0609 7000 469 - BIC NSMBFRPPXXX - Credit card in our offices - Cheque (French only) payable to MILLON - Cash within authorized limits - €1,000 for our French customers and €15,000 for our foreign customers. Expert Peio RAHOLA Naturalist, Expert in zoological collections Entomologist with a diploma from the MNHN in Paris Judicial expert for the Montpellier Court of Appeal Tel: +33 (0) 7 69 03 92 27 19, 28, 54, 58, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95, 97, 99, 102, 103, 121, from 124 to 131, from 133 to 141, 143,144, 156, 158, 159, 160, from 168 to 175, from 177 to 192, 194, 199, 200, 209, 215, 231, 232, 238, 249, 252, 260.


DROUOT RICHELIEU room 1 and 7 Saturday May 13th from 11am to 6pm Monday May 15 from 11 am to 6 pm Tuesday, May 16, 11am to 12pm

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